Perioral Dermatitis

Perioral dermatitis, which presents with small inflammatory bumps around the mouth, nose, or eyes, is a subtype of rosacea. This condition, also called periorificial dermatitis, is aggravated by misdiagnosis and misuse of topical steroids. These small, pink, inflamed papules are more common for women and can be influenced by many factors including hormonal fluctuations, allergies to specific skincare products or laundry detergents, overuse of topical actives and heavy moisturizers, exposure to topical steroids, stress, and alterations of the skin barrier and microbiome. Treating the condition early on is essential in improving symptoms and keeping inflammation under control as perioral dermatitis has a tendency to recur if someone is prone to it.



Dr. Sherber approaches each individual case with a customized treatment plan to target and treat the underlying causes of the visible skin concerns. She starts out by recommending a simple and gentle skincare regimen to rule out the possibility that the perioral dermatitis is caused by certain active ingredients. She also recommends using a laundry detergent made for sensitive skin. Topical and/or oral medications may be needed to calm a flare of perioral dermatitis, and this can be recalibrated to a maintenance regimen over time.

Her three pronged approach combines a tailored skincare regimen, prescribed medication depending on the severity of symptoms, and laser treatments. She typically recommends Laser Genesis to reduce the inflammation and redness in the skin and ease symptoms. Once skin is no longer actively inflamed, laser-assisted delivery of anti-inflammatory active ingredients using the Perméa laser can produce significant improvements in skin’s appearance and reactivity.