Massive Weight Loss

Case 1
Massive Weight Loss
Massive Weight Loss

Massive Weight Loss

This 38 year old man lost 220 pounds after gastric bypass surgery. He had severe laxity of skin and he desired comprehensive body contouring. Dr. Rad treated him with Upper Back Lift, Chest Lift, Arm Lift, Liposuction of the flanks, and Belt Lipectomy.

Case 2
Massive Weight Loss
Massive Weight Loss

Massive Weight Loss

This 28 year old woman lost 115 pounds after a regimen of diet and exercise. She had significant laxity of the abdominal and back tissues, as well as breast deflation. Dr. Rad treated her with Belt Lipectomy, Liposuction of the flanks, and Breast Augmentation.

Case 3
Breast Lift + Reduction
Breast Lift + Reduction

Breast Lift + Reduction

This is a 46 year old patient who had lost 120 pounds and desired breast lift. She had severe tissue laxity that required breast lift. Dr. Rad performed a Wise Pattern Lift (no augmentation was performed).

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Sherber+Rad1101 15th St. NW, Suite 100, Washington, D.C. 20005